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Krea AI에서 제공하는 로고 스타일라이즈를 적용해서 영상을 만들어봤다. 아래에 사용한 프롬프트를 남겨놨고, AI와 프롬프트 블렌드는 80 퍼센트정도로 해두었다.







사용된 프롬프트

1. Terraced rice fields, painting verdant stairways to the heavens.

2. Snow-clad village, its tranquility disrupted by mech battles, in the style of mecha anime.

3. Cliffside monasteries, seemingly defying gravity and time.

4. A Frank Lloyd Wright-inspired prairie house, blending horizon lines.

5. Maori marae (meeting grounds) with intricately carved totems, against a backdrop of New Zealand's lush landscape.

6. Majestic fjords with small fishing villages nestled at their bases.

7. A tranquil bay with colorful fishing boats anchored, their reflections mirrored in the still water.

8. A lighthouse, its beam revealing stories in the mist.

9. Post-apocalyptic desert town, traders on mechanical beasts, in a gritty, survival anime style.

Icelandic turf houses, blending with the embrace of Earth.

10. Rocky shoreline, with tide pools teeming with life and seabirds soaring above.

11. Cherry blossom trees, cherry blossom petal flying all over.

12. Grand coliseum, warriors battling with magic, resonating with tournament arc anime.

13. A sprawling vineyard, with a rustic chateau overlooking the grape-laden vines.

14. Moonlit pier, ghostly ships arriving, channeling eerie supernatural anime aesthetics.

15. A Moorish fortress painted with tales by Picasso.

16. Maori marae in New Zealand, carvings guarding ancient lore.

17. Otherworldly inn, guests from different dimensions, in a style reminiscent of interdimensional anime.



완성된 스타일라이즈드 로고





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